Climbing Temple 3 in Tikal, Guatemala
Climbing Temple 3 in Tikal, Guatemala
Mapping the north wall profile at the site of Hun Tun, Belize
Mapping the north wall profile at the site of Hun Tun, Belize
Continuing to map
Continuing to map
Excavating through a terminal classic floor
Excavating through a terminal classic floor
In one of the caves in La Milpa, Belize
In one of the caves in La Milpa, Belize
Excavating in a structure at the site of Hun Tun, Belize
Excavating in a structure at the site of Hun Tun, Belize
Mapping a Stela, Hun Tun, Belize
Mapping a Stela, Hun Tun, Belize
Location of our salvage excavation in San Estevan, Belize. Notice that a road have been plowed through this structure and the number of floors seen in the profile.
Location of our salvage excavation in San Estevan, Belize. Notice that a road have been plowed through this structure and the number of floors seen in the profile.
Overview of our excavation in San Estevan, Belize, notice the post holes and burials located in the plaster floor.
Overview of our excavation in San Estevan, Belize, notice the post holes and burials located in the plaster floor.
Carefully excavating the skull of the unknown individual in San Estevan, Belize
Carefully excavating the skull of the unknown individual in San Estevan, Belize
Screening for students, Belize
Screening for students, Belize
Clearing the Jungle Floor, Hun Tun, Belize
Clearing the Jungle Floor, Hun Tun, Belize
A Mettate, a surface find while clearing in and around a ballcourt at Chawak But'o'od, Belize
A Mettate, a surface find while clearing in and around a ballcourt at Chawak But'o'od, Belize
Cleared Ball court in Chawak But'o'ob, Belize
Cleared Ball court in Chawak But'o'ob, Belize
Planning out and setting up an excavation unit on the edge of a water basin, Chawak But'o'ob, Belize
Planning out and setting up an excavation unit on the edge of a water basin, Chawak But'o'ob, Belize
The Excavation Unit in the process of being excavated and mapped in Chawak But'o'ob, Belize
The Excavation Unit in the process of being excavated and mapped in Chawak But'o'ob, Belize
Surveying through a swamp, Louisiana, USA
Surveying through a swamp, Louisiana, USA
Crossing a creek in Texas, USA
Crossing a creek in Texas, USA
Excavation Unit through a shell midden, Camp Pendleton, California, USA
Excavation Unit through a shell midden, Camp Pendleton, California, USA
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